A Guide to the Best cheap dog food

We all love our dogs. They are truly family, so we want to give them the best we can. But when it comes to dog food, the best may cost way more than your budget could let you afford. But just because you are looking for cheap dog food find more, it does not mean that you are saving money at the expense of your dog or that you don't want him to eat good food.

Here is a surprising thought:

The most expensive does not necessarily mean the best. We are used to thinking that the cheaper things are, the less is their quality. But that is not always true.

Look at the ingredients of some expensive dog food and you will be surprised that they are not better and in some cases even worse than the ingredients of cheaper brands. Are you asking yourself how is it possible? That is exactly what I was wondering. It turns out, huge part of that price tag is advertising cost.

Know more about Best Dog Food For Sensitive Stomach.

We do not want to say that all expensive food is bad, there are some really good quality kinds. Just read the ingredients.

Some companies spend a lot of money trying to make us believe their food is the healthiest for our dogs and all natural. And they have little money left for actually making that true. While other manufacturers in fact make quality dog food, but we do not know about them because they have little if any advertising.

You have already probably spend a lot of time looking for this second type dog food. So, to make it easier for you here is an article on the best cheap dog food and a buying guide.

Different Types of Dog Food

Before choosing the brand of dog food, you have to decide what type of food you want your dog to eat.

Generally, they distinguish between four types of dog food: dry (kibble), moist (wet or canned), semi-moist and frozen (freeze-dried). When making this choice you will have to take into consideration the nutrition needs of your dog, the age, breed and, of course, your budget. You also do not need to stick with only one type, you can mix them to provide well-balanced diet for your dog.
Kibble or dry dog food

This is what you usually see in the dog food commercials: small dry coloured bones or brown biscuits. This type has a very low moisture content.

There are many benefits of dry dog food. First of all, it is the cheapest option. Also, because of its crunchiness, it cleans your dog’s teeth. Dry dog food does not expire as fast as all the other types and you do not need to refrigerate it. It is easy to serve and to clean up. You do not need to prepare it at all. But remember to pour water for the dog as he will want to drink after eating dry food.

Dry food, however, has its disadvantages. Firstly, there are many kibble foods that cannot be called a healthy diet. They contain too much artificial color, flavor, and preservatives and do not have virtually any nutritional value. So, be careful when you buy something.
Moist dog food

It has a high moisture content, so it is the opposite to kibble. It suits well for older dogs because it is easier for them to chew. It usually comes in cans, foil trays or pouches.

The pros are that it has quite a long shelf life, so you can store it, just check the expiry date. It is generally more nutritious, but the more water you see in the contents, the less filling it is, so your dog will eat more.

The cons include a higher price. Some canned food also can have too much artificial additives.
Semi-moist dog food

This type is more used like a treat than regular food. It looks like soft pellets and has chewy texture.

Most veterinarians do not suggest semi-moist food for regular daily diet because it is not nutritious enough.
Frozen and Freeze-Dried Dog Food

This is probably the healthiest type of dog food unless you are feeding him fresh raw meat. It is basically raw food that was frozen or freeze-dried. It does not lose important healthy contents like canned food does when it is heated.

The biggest downside is the price. It is twice the cost of traditional kibble or even higher.

Another thing you might not like is that it requires preparation, very careful handling and storage. It does not last long and if you do not follow the manufacturer’s instructions, it can go bad easily.

But your dog is your family, right? So, it is worth spending time trying to feed him like one if you can afford it.